Zine Open Call at Zora
Zine Open Call at Zora

Zine Open Call at Zora

Job Category

Zora has an open call to writers, critics, researchers, and thinkers who have that floating idea waiting to materialize on the page.

This position has been closed

Since August of 2021, Zora Zine has published subversive storytelling, critical writing, and highlighted the inclusive, borderless nature of the Web3 community. With Winter 2022 in full sway, we’re committed to keep the pieces coming, while also reaching out further into the community.

We’re elated to expand our editorial arms for an open call to writers, critics, researchers, and thinkers who have that floating idea waiting to materialize on the page. Web3 means more opportunities, doors to unlock, and fewer ideological moats.

While we love interviews and person-to-person conversations, the Zine is particularly keen on creative essays, op-eds, collection/work reviews, and meaningful news in the crypto/NFT/Web3 space. These can range anywhere from 800 to 3,000 words depending on how ambitious you feel!

Keep in mind we’ll be receiving a number of submissions and may not get back to you immediately. Likewise, be mindful that while we promise to consider every pitch, we won’t have the capacity to realize everyone’s piece.

Pitch Guidelines:

  • Please include “ZORA ZINE Pitch” in your subject line.
  • Share your name and brief bio in the email body. Have you published before? We’d love to see your work.
  • If you’ve an idea, jot down a 100-word abstract and why this idea is relevant to our readers.
  • If you’ve written the unpublished piece already, please still include the 100-word abstract and relevancy.
  • It may be a no-brainer, but we recommend you read the Zine to understand our voice and topics we cover.
  • Please be original!

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